Since im a junior in high school you could guess that i do get made fun of ALOT for liking the Jonas Brothers. ive learned not to listen to what anyone says about them because i really dont care what they think of me or them. they are all jealous of them.... no, i dont like the jonas brothers only for their looks, i like them for so much more. yes they are amazingly gorgeous but it goes way beyond that. i have never seen three boys be so dedicated to both their music and their fans. they have chnaged my life more than anyone could possibly understand, yeah it sounds kinda weird that a band could change my life but it happened. im not a typical "jonas fan". i actually love kevin and have no idea how anyone could say anything about him. i love them all three to death and would do anything for them.(:
Along with loving the Jonas brothers i also love Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez. they are both my role models. I would absolutly LOVE to work with them one day! that is one of my other biggest dreams is to be on the disney channel. I have no acting experience but i just kinda wanna wing it haha. it could work! now i just need to figure out how to actually get started trying to get on the dinsey channel... any tips? haha.
ok well uhm story time... so me and my other hugggeee jonas friend, hope, hung out the other night. we had both been trying to win the star 94 contest to win jonas brothers tickets. on friday night we were getting so fed up because everyone that won wasnt even acting excited and it was making us mad! so we decided to show Darik, the Dj from Star 94, how big of fans we are and just how much we really want those tickets. so we sent our video to Darik. the next morning we had woken up around 9:30 so we could buy tickets to the nashville jonas concert. then all the sudden hopes phone made a noise... she looked at her phone and started screaming! i had no idea what was going on. DARIK HAD SENT HER AN EMAIL! the email said "you guys are so flattering! i HAVE to hook you guys up with something i have never seen someone so dedicated! we put your video up on!" so we immidiatly went straight to and the site read: "AND YOU THINK YOU WANT JONAS BROTHERS TICKETS REALLY BAD?? PSHHHHHHHH..... and underneath it it says: "THIS is what i call dedication. As an executive decision, weve decided to hook up hope and maggie with an extra pair of jonas brothers tickets we had stashed away!"
so by then we were having a heart attack of excitement! haha then Darik called us aroud 2pm and told us that star 94 is going to hook us up with tickets! then he put us on the radio as the winners! then he told us to keep sending him videos everyweek!
heres our video:
also we made him a thank you video:
thank you for reading/watching about my obbsession, alot more stories are to come(:
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