
so about last night...

hey bloggers! its the grouch. oh sorry i mean its meagan. 
(im sleepy)
so last night i got home to atlanta and maggie had over all of her "jonas friends" cause they were all gonna go get the new jonas brothers cd at midnight. well i get home and i offered to drive them right down the street to walmart to get the cd at midnight. BAD idea. 
we get to walmart and they are attacking the jonas brothers sign and scream when they see a jonas brother poster.. but then when we get to the cd section the new jonas album is no where to be found. the faces of these girls where priceless... they looked like you had just told them the jonas brothers where dead and also someone just ran over your dog. i have recently realized what kind of parent im gonna be... first of all whenever cooper (katies son) wants my cell phone or as he calls it "off" i totally give it too him even though katie says no. heehee. and then last night when those girls looked at me with there faces of disappointment and tears in their eyes... i was like "welp lets go find another walmart!" when in my head i was saying "bedtime bedtime!!!" (im a grandpoo) but seriously im gonna be such a pushover parent. 
so were calling all these walmarts to see if theyre open and if they have the cd... and mags is like im gonna call derek from star94 and see if he knows where to get it! (you know her radio friend derek who she made all those youtube videos for and got jobro concert tickets from) so she just picks up her phone and calls... and she says "hey derek its maggie!" and he says "youre the 25th caller congratulations!" yep.. maggie won transformer tickets. i mean it wouldnt be right if maggie didnt win something... you know she is the luckiest girl EVER! haha! but she was like "oh i was just calling to ask you a question.. but ok. haha" well he didnt know where to get the cd either so we drive to the next walmart...
so it ends up we go to 4 walmarts... and NEVER got the cd. they all said they werent putting it out till 6 am even though the jonas brothers themselves said you could get it at midnight! those jonas brothers dont understand what we go through for them! so on the 30 min drive home from the last walmart i blasted the old jobro cd and to try to turn those frowns upside down and we all sang at the tops of our lungs and danced like a crazy people :) if you ever get me to stay up past midnight crazy meagan comes out :) 
so to end the story this morning the girls got up at 6 am and got the cd... i was woken up by the dance party going on in the next room.  
but im not gonna lie im pretty excited about listening to the new album while laying out today! 
and were also going to new york on thursday to go see the jonas brothers on the today show friday!!! so youll know ill have stories after that trip :)
until then bloggers- 
xoxo- meagan 

here are pics from this morning...
should we get her some help? or just join in the crazy?! 
p.s. dont forget to get the jonas brothers new album

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