
dream dream dream.

howdy! its peely face meagan.. i look like i have 3rd degree burns on my face. its bad. REAL bad. i can at least move my face today, easter sunday i couldnt even smile without being in extreme pain! i was pitiful. thats what i get for thinking "im not gonna wear sunscreen so i can get tan even though im a redhead.. and in florida." im retarded. 

well the past two weeks ive been doing alot of driving.. we went to alabama for my great aunts 100th birthday then we went to disney world and today i drove home to knoxville. it seems like whenever i take a long road trip anywhere i end up thinking about life. so basically i only think deep when i go on a road trip. haha. i have always been a dreamer and lately thats one of the things that keeps me going. dreaming of the next exciting adventure im gonna take, dreaming of riding on a horse with my cowboy one day (pioneer woman and hannah montanas fault), and maybe owning my own clothing boutique someday. which i dont know how thats gonna work if im gonna live on a ranch with my cowboy out in the middle of nowhere.. but hey its a dream! 

i have been very fearful lately, scared of what the next step is in my life. i am at the scary/exciting age where people are graduating, moving away, or even getting married. ahh! the most asked question is "what are you doing with your life? do you have a boyfriend?" i have decided i hate those questions. im gonna start responding "well im gonna tour with the jonas brothers this summer and im best friends with taylor swift, oh and did i mention im dating a cowboy?" then maybe i can slip away while theyre standing there confused. muhaha! 

i feel like the world is telling you to settle. grow up. your dreams wont come true. but i disagree, i think miley cyrus says it best.. nothing is ever out of reach so dream! (shes so wise haha) yeah i might be the most immature 23 year old EVER. but whatev. thats just the way i roll. 

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